The Intuitive Healing Hive

This weekly group is for women who want to use energy healing and intuition to pave a personal path to healing physically, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually.

When: Every Tuesday
6:00 p.m. -7:00 p.m. MST
Where: Zoom
Suggested Donation: $0-$15

This group is for women:

  • who value self care but don’t know where to get started or how to stay consistent.

  • who value inner wisdom but want to know how to access their truth easily and regularly.

  • who struggle to know what they need next in their healing journey.

  • who desire accountability on their self-care journey.

  • who are interested in exploring the spiritual aspects of healing while staying grounded in action here on the 3D plane. 

  • who might consider themselves empaths or someone who absorb other people’s energy.

  • who feel like you are a passive participant in your healing and want to feel empowered to take charge and lead the way, while also relying on helpful healing allies.

What you will receive from this group:

  • A consistent space to check in about your healing journey.

  • Regular energy clearing.

  • Practices to connect deeply with your intuition around healing.

  • Connection to your own healing spirit guides.

  • Unconditional love and support on your journey.

  • Feeling empowered to take steps to heal yourself with self confidence.

  • Learn to trust yourself over outside messages and advice.

  • Learn to work with healing practitioners (western and holistic) through a partnership model rather than as a passive participant.